Friday, January 3, 2014

Beautiful Girl!

I cannot believe how big this girl is getting!! To say she is full of sass would be an understatement! She is too smart for her own good, strong willed, persistent, sweet as pie (at times) and a master cuddler. I try not to take it personally right now because when she gets older these will be great qualities to have, she will never let anyone push her around. She is obsessed with all things baby (I cannot imagine where she got that from *giggle*). Every time I finish a newborn session she is there waiting at the door to check out a new squishy baby. She loves to play in the dirt, my kind of girl right there. She could eat baked sweet potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and often does. She loves to sing and can remember lyrics better than most adults. Her favorite song for the last 5 months has been "Roar" by Katy Perry. She sings it I cannot wait to share more pictures of this beautiful girl. We still really cannot figure out if she looks more like me or Chris. Only time will tell.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014!

One of my 2014 New Year's resolutions is to take more pictures of my own kids (not cell phone pictures). Which means I need to share them by updating this blog haha. Life gets crazy and time gets away from me but I really want to make time to capture these special everyday moments. Noah and Aslinn are growing and changing SO FAST. I really wish I could find a pause button on them. Noah lost his first tooth back in November and Aslinn talks like she is 20 instead of 2.

Here is my first set of 2014 pictures. I hope to post many many more! Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Family Pictures!

Last month my sweet friend Jessica Yates and I did a family photo swap. I photographed her beautiful family and she took on the daunting task of photographing our crazy family haha. I am so so so happy with all of the wonderful photos she presented to me. I will treasure these forever!

This is a mix of pictures taken by me and Jessica. Some are edited by me.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Noah plays Baseball!

 Noah has been playing baseball this fall and he absolutely loves it! He really has progressed so much. In the beginning of the season he was really all arms and legs now he is a BEAST! He hopes to start soccer in the spring :-)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Aslinn as a newborn

It is no secret that Aslinn is a baby addict, a big one! One day while I was working in my studio Aslinn asked me of I could take pictures of her like a baby. She proceeded to grab headbands and wraps and get extremely excited. "Wike a baby! I will pretend to be a baby. Whaaa whaaa." As you can see she REALLY got into the session! For once I had to use absolutely no bribery with her for cute pictures hahah.

Introducing Aslinn Grace Emiko Hinds | 930 days new

Such a sweet girl!

Monday, October 28, 2013


My babies! I really cannot get over how big these guys are getting! They love to play together, harass the crap out of each other and give lots of hugs and kisses. It fills my heart with so much joy seeing them together. :-)